

In history,  we intend to develop a sense of time, placing events, people and changes within a chronological framework; develop a knowledge of the characteristics of people living in particular periods, including attitudes and beliefs and their social, cultural, religious and ethnic diversity; to identify different ways in which the past is represented and make thoughtful use of a variety of sources; to develop the skills of enquiry, investigation, analysis, evaluation and presentation; to develop the ability to describe and analyse reasons and results of events, situations and changes studied, making links between periods; have a lasting interest in, and enjoyment of, learning about the past.

We want our children to leave in Y6 knowing:

  • Key moments in British and world history.
  • Some key individuals and understand their significance.
  • Why periods in History started and the reasons that they ended.
  • How life was in different periods in British and world history; compare it with life in the modern world.


The history curriculum has been carefully designed, planned and sequenced using our scheme, Curriculum Maestro, to ensure our topics are progressive, engaging and provide a thematic approach to learning that is mapped to ensure comprehensive coverage of national expectations. It is delivered through projects, which provide a subject driven, knowledge rich approach that ensures knowledge and skills are revisited to allow for consolidation, and links are made between all aspects of children’s learning. Furthermore, this ensures our children develop a rich cultural capital, which will provide a foundation for future lifelong learning.

Our History curriculum will give all pupils the opportunity to learn about a sense of time and place events and people within a chronological framework. They will also expand their understanding of the beliefs and attitudes at the time; the different ways the past is represented through use of a variety. Where possible children will be taken to visit sites of historical significance or attend a history themed workshop in school.


The impact of our History curriculum is measured in a variety of ways: questioning during lesson time, marking children’s written work, listening to child-led discussion, interviewing pupils across the school about their learning, book trawls and using images of children’s practical learning.

ltp history.pdf